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br Discussion We evaluated and determined the incidence
Discussion We evaluated and determined the incidence and severity of subjective reports of dyspepsia symptoms due to dabigatran. Based on the results of the RE-LY trial [4], the AE that was significantly more common with dabigatran than with warfarin was dyspepsia. In the sub-group (326 Japanese
br Erythropoietin and the HSC niche Many molecules produced
Erythropoietin and the HSC niche Many molecules produced both locally and systemically, including erythropoietin (Epo) and adrenergic catecholamines, also appear to affect HSC niche and metastatic lesions in the bone marrow. EPO is a hematopoietic hormone produced predominantly in the kidneys in
3-isomangostin La Brev ssima relaci n de la destruyci
La Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, fechada el 8 de diciembre de 1542, se publica en el año 1552 (“… fue rogado e importunado que destas postreras pusiesse algunas por brevedad por escrito”). Finalmente es condenada en 1660 por el Tribunal de la Inq
br Discussion IUI with controlled ovarian
Discussion IUI with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation has been used over the years as a treatment for mild male factor, anovulation, and unexplained infertility. It is less expensive and less invasive than other assisted reproductive techniques. Therefore, these advantages have made the techniq
There are few learning points that can be derived from
There are few learning points that can be derived from this case. While VDD is an acceptable mode in young patients, one should be cautious of using this mode in elderly patients with sick sinus syndrome, unless retrograde VA conduction is absent. A single PVC can trigger a ventricular paced rhythm
Human ether a go go related
Human-ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) encodes the α-subunit of rapidly-activating delayed-rectifier potassium (-)-Lobeline hydrochloride that generate IKr. This outward potassium current is elicited during the plateau phase of action potentials and is required for repolarization [4]. After being t
Causative genes for ARVC and their respective characteristic
Causative genes for ARVC and their respective characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Desmosome genes for ARVC Other causative genes for ARVC Although more than half of ARVC patients carry mutations in desmosome genes, other genes have also been reported as causative genes for ARVC (Table
Acknowledgement br Introduction Pulmonary veins
Acknowledgement Introduction Pulmonary veins (PVs) have been reported to be the major site of ectopic foci initiating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) [1]. Pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) is an established therapy eliminating those foci [2,3]. Non-PV ectopic foci from the superior vena cava (S
Poor knowledge among caretakers of
Poor knowledge among caretakers of how to work with disability-related disorders could also be an issue. For example, poor knowledge of how to correctly position a child with severe cerebral palsy could lead to inadequate feeding; at worst, these efforts can cause aspiration and even death. Social a
Descubri http www apexbt com media
Descubriendo una parte de la juventud mexicana en el sinsentido existencial máximo, La esquina de los ojos rojos los ubica entre la fugacidad y la desmemoria; da cuenta de que una burbuja aspiracional y generacional ha reventado en la hecatombe social, consumista y criminal como una exacerbada depre
Chronic myelogenous leukemia blast crisis is highly refracto
Chronic myelogenous leukemia blast crisis is highly refractory to standard induction chemotherapy, with a response rate of less than 20–30% [12,13]. In patient\'s with Imatinib resistant disease Dastanib and Nilotinib can help achieve hematological response however neither drug has been reported to
What can be done to reduce morbidity and mortality
What can be done to reduce morbidity and mortality in HEU infants? Notably, a third of all mortality in the Botswana trial occurred early, before randomisation. Similarly, in a trial of more than 14 110 infants in Zimbabwe, done in the pre-MTCT-prevention era, HIV-exposed uninfected infants had 50%
K-Ras(G12C) inhibitor 12 Los v nculos que el ensayista conse
Los vínculos que el ensayista conservó con los intelectuales mexicanos fueron profusos y perdurables, en tanto continuaron hasta sus últimos años de vida, aun durante su estadía en la Cuba revolucionaria de principios de los años sesenta. Así, en 1959 inició lo que Ángel Rama denominó el ciclo cuban
A year old woman was referred to our
A 77-year-old woman was referred to our medical center for second opinion for refractory CMML-2. She had been incidentally found to have mild leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytosis on routine laboratory analysis. At diagnosis her white blood cell count (WBC) was 12×10/L, hemoglobin was 10.8g/dL, a
Evidence supporting the benefit of dexrazoxane as
Evidence supporting the benefit of dexrazoxane as cardioprotective therapy in adults with acute leukemia are scant [11]. However, there is a significant need for cardioprotective therapy, particularly in older individuals with preexisting cardiovascular disorders and/or prior anthracycline exposure,
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